Waiting for the Monsoon


The weather here in Mumbai is now diabolical.  Between 9am and 6pm its too hot to consider venturing outside for any length of time.  Even just standing outside my front door for a few minutes renders me covered in sweat.

The air is steamy.  The humidity weighs so heavily you almost feel like you are inhaling liquid as you breathe.

I sit at my window and watch people go past, all looking up to the sky hoping for signs of rain. I can feel the anticipation of an entire city waiting for the monsoon to set in and clear away this heavy air.

I never thought I would look forward to monsoon, but now I can’t wait for the rain to pour down.  I want to stand outside as the rain pelts down and feel it cool my skin.

The only thing I am not looking forward to is what the streets might become for the next few months. After all this is India, and all sorts of things could be floating down the street here, so just to be safe I bought my first pair of gumboots.  I am now officially monsoon ready!

My new Gumboots

So now, like a true Mumbaiker, I wait and watch the sky and make little bets about when I think or hope the rains will start…. for the record I am tipping June 10.


7 responses to “Waiting for the Monsoon”

  1. Meghana Avatar

    thanks so much! 🙂 they really are!

  2. I picked them up at Kink in Bandra on Waterfield Rd. Pretty cute aren’t they!

  3. Meghana Avatar

    hey! where did you get these gum boots? I’ve been hunting for decent ones and yours look really good!

  4. Nice article.

    The monssons in Bombay are an amazing time. The whole city becomes beautiful and Green.

    Depending on one’s mood and location, the grey overcast skies can be either cozy or depressing.

    Looking forward to the rains.

  5. Dust storms sound much worse than humidity. I hope it rains for you soon too.

  6. I live southern side of India , i wish for summer tomorrow although the weather forecast confirms that there would be showers across southern side of India.I love your gumboots and like tat you sorta preparing for the rain 🙂 Dolly*

  7. Ha ha – you aren’t the only one waiting for the monsoon – there is no humidity here, the air is dry – dust storms make the skin even drier, and we too are waiting for the rains 🙂

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