Chilling in Colombo


I didn’t know what to expect from Colombo.  If it was anything like the other capital cities I have seen in Asia, loud, noisy, polluted and full of a frenzy of activity is what I was expecting.  What I got was something completely different.

We arrived in Colombo on  a Saturday, it was our last stop on our visit to Sri Lanka. Driving through the town, it was so quiet we questioned whether it was a public holiday. It wasn’t, apparently we were told by locals, this was just a normal lazy weekend in Colombo.  Now this was something I could definitely get used to!

Colombo was a large town, which made seeing it all on foot a little challenging, but without any traffic it was a pleasure to get around.

We stopped to see some of the famous temples of Sri Lanka, and whilst they were beautiful

Seema Malayaka Meditation Centre
Seema Malayaka Meditation Centre
Ganaramaya Temple
Ganaramaya Temple

I was disappointed to see that they aren’t really looked after, with centuries old carvings being used as leaning posts for cleaning products.


It always makes me so upset to see history being treated with such disregard.

The best thing about Colombo to me had to be staying at the wonderfully grand old Galle Sea Face Hotel.  It is an institution, and whilst the rooms were a bit pokey, it is such a magnificent hotel.  Right on the sea, it is steeped in history and prestige, truly a grand old dame.

Galle Sea Face Hotel
Galle Sea Face Hotel

Right outside our door was a lovely seaside promenade.  I had almost forgotten what it was like to walk along a beachfront without smelling sewage and decaying rubbish.

Colombo Sea Front
Colombo Sea Front

And for a spot of lunch, the Columbo Cricket Club Cafe is just the spot (and I am not a cricket fan at all), but it sure reminded me how far I had come.

Colombo Cricket Club
Colombo Cricket Club


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