Tag: Finding a Job

  • India: My Favourites

    India: My Favourites


    I have been in India for almost a year now, and in that time I have seen and experienced so much that this amazing country has to offer.  I am asked often about what are my most memorable experiences, so I thought I would share some of them.  My list is by no means complete,…

  • All packed up


    Phew! It’s been a busy few weeks. In the last week I have: Packed up a three bedroom house Moved all my furniture and belongings into a 3 by 3 storage unit Cleaned my house from top to bottom;  and Moved to my parents house. Of course I didn’t do it all on my own,…

  • To kiss or not to kiss


    My goodbyes, au revoirs and bon voyages have started.  I finished work this week, and as I was bidding farewell to my colleagues, some who are now friends, it raised some awkward questions. Are we close enough to kiss?  Do we feel comfortable enough to embrace? Is a handshake too formal? I have tended to…

  • So it begins


    I am moving!  So easy to say. Ideally I would like to be India by mid-July, in time for my next birthday, so that gives me about 9 weeks. How hard can it really be? I am a list writer, its how I get things done.  Add a task to a list, and then work…