Tag: Rishikesh

  • India: My Favourites

    India: My Favourites


    I have been in India for almost a year now, and in that time I have seen and experienced so much that this amazing country has to offer.  I am asked often about what are my most memorable experiences, so I thought I would share some of them.  My list is by no means complete,…

  • My own personal yoga ashram


    I have been in Rishikesh for 11 days now. For someone who is used to the buzz of backpacking and exploring a new place every few days, 11 days is a long time to stay somewhere, and I still have another 5 days before I plan on leaving. Rishikesh is on the banks of the…

  • Riding the Buses in India


    The mere thought of taking a long bus journey in India now brings a shiver up my spine. It has taken only three bus journeys to bring me to this point. As I now sit here and plan out the next few weeks of my travels, I am deliberately choosing routes that allow for train…