Month: July 2011
Orchids in Singapore
So now I am finally on my way, and have just spent two relaxing days in Singapore. Singapore is one of those places that I love to visit, but I am not too sure if I could live here. Its almost too organised and easy for me to live here. Don’t get me wrong, I…
All packed up
Phew! It’s been a busy few weeks. In the last week I have: Packed up a three bedroom house Moved all my furniture and belongings into a 3 by 3 storage unit Cleaned my house from top to bottom; and Moved to my parents house. Of course I didn’t do it all on my own,…
To kiss or not to kiss
My goodbyes, au revoirs and bon voyages have started. I finished work this week, and as I was bidding farewell to my colleagues, some who are now friends, it raised some awkward questions. Are we close enough to kiss? Do we feel comfortable enough to embrace? Is a handshake too formal? I have tended to…
Clearing out the closet
This week I begin packing. I have 18 days to be out of my house, and so the countdown to clear out my belongings begins. But where is the best place to start? I have a three bedroom + study house, and whilst only I live here, I have still managed to fill every room…