Pictorial Post Khajuraho: A Celebration of the Beauty of Women


Khajuraho is famous for its World Heritage Site carvings, and specifically for the erotica and kama sutra positions that have been carefully etched into its walls. However for me, this is not what makes Khajuraho’s temples memorable, for me its all about the women.

For those of you who want to perve at the kama sutra carvings, I will put some pictures of these at the end (sorry Mum and Dad), but for now its back to the women.

Voluptuous and sensuous, the women who adorn the temple walls of Khajuraho are real women.  Not skinny waifs, but curvaceous, glorious women. One of the things I love about India is the way the female form is depicted through art, the rounded curve of the breasts, accentuated hips and of course that tiny waist. She is adorned with jewels and celebrated for all that makes her feminine.

The artisans in Khajuraho depicted women doing all their daily activities.  Simple things, but so beautifully done. Here are some of my favourites.

She bathes – Lakshmana Temple
She tends to her children – Lakshmana Temple
She applies Kohl – Parshwanath Temple
She plucks a thorn from her foot – Parshwanath Temple
She looks in the mirror – Nandi Temple
She dances – Parshwanath Temple
She looks lovingly at her man – Parshwanath Temple

For some perspective…

She is everywhere – Kandariya Temple

All whilst Ganesha looks on.

Ganesha at the Lakshmana Temple

Some Kama Sutra carvings

The elephant gets distracted – Lakshmana Temple
They used assistants – Kandariya Temple
Trying not to peek – Nandi Temple


12 responses to “Pictorial Post Khajuraho: A Celebration of the Beauty of Women”

  1. great I look forward to seeing it.

  2. thanks a lot. your pictures have really good lighting and thus i asked. sure i will send you the link when done. may take up to 20 to 30 days or so as right now i can’t move much. have a fracture in leg with cast and so on

  3. Sure you can, but only if you let are able to send me a link to the picture when it is finished 🙂

  4. may i use your picture shots of khajuraho to paint

    i have painted khajuraho images from when i had been there. you may watch it at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.267811456596879.68459.100001040790077&type=3

    and also at http://runjhun.blogspot.com/


    Runjhun Kejriwal

  5. lovely captures and thoughts

  6. great perspectives

  7. a picture does speak a lot more than words 🙂 all the best for ur next trip/post …

  8. Thanks Mridul.

    Sometimes I like to let the pictures speak for themselves, but promise there will be more discussion in my next post.

  9. Lordy! Those perspective shots are awesome.

  10. I was expecting more of a textual description 🙂 but nice blog!

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