Pictorial Post: Ajanta and Ellora Caves


I first visited Aurangabad, a city about 400km east of Mumbai, several years ago when I worked for Foster’s Group, who owned a brewery there. As I was there for work I didn’t have enough time to visit the nearby Ajanta and Ellora Caves, and they have always been a site I have wanted to visit.  So when a friend offered me the opportunity to go to Aurangabad for a weekend, I jumped at the chance.

It was so nice to actually leave Mumbai and have a weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the big smoke.  The caves were certainly worth the visit, with some over 2000 years old, it never ceases to amaze me how these wonders were created and how they have survived all these years.  Here’s a few of my favourite snaps:


3 responses to “Pictorial Post: Ajanta and Ellora Caves”

  1. […] Whilst it is nice to get out of Mumbai for day, I do suggest not going on a weekend because the crowds really did make the experience less than enjoyable. If you are only visiting Mumbai and won’t have a chance to see any other ancient caves or carvings, then the Elephanta Caves is worth a visit.  However if you get a chance to go elsewhere in India, there are so many other better examples to see such as the Ajanta and Ellora caves near Aurangabad. […]

  2. […] caves from the 1st century BC.  The caves were magnificent and reminiscent of those I had seen at Ajanta. Some had huge reclining Buddhas, looking peaceful with magnificent paintings on the […]

  3. robinjabraham Avatar

    I personally rate the Ajanta Ellora caves higher on the ‘wonders of the world’ ratings….They’re far more amazing than the Taj Mahal

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