Tag: Politics

  • Life in a Gilded Cage: Kenya

    Life in a Gilded Cage: Kenya


    I have visited Kenya several times in my life, it is the birth place of my mother and some where I still have family. My most recent visit to Kenya was to attend a wedding reception for my sister in 2008. That will be the last time I ever visit Kenya, something that is only…

  • Bandh (Closed): Incredible India Indeed

    Bandh (Closed): Incredible India Indeed


    My parents arrived in Mumbai a week ago.  Its been almost 18 months since we have been together, and so they are having an extended visit for a few months with me.  Its been really lovely having them around, I come home to home-cooked food, and its nice to show them my Mumbai. They arrived…

  • Will India ever be a "real" super-power?


    When you live in India, it is almost impossible to go a single day without reading something about corruption.  Bribes, kick-backs and ‘gratuities’ are a daily part of living here. My first official experience of this was when I was travelling in an auto-rickshaw, and the driver accidentally went the wrong way down a one-way…