Tag: Safari

  • Into the Jungle: Satpura National Park

    Into the Jungle: Satpura National Park


    I must confess I hadn’t heard of Satpura National Park, I had heard of all the big parks in Madhya Pradesh like Bandhavgarh, Pench and Kanha, but not Satpura.  It is a relative new-comer on the MP wildlife scene and it is because of this that it makes it such a fabulous place to visit.…

  • The Beauty and Challenges of the Untouched Tourist Trail: Wayanad


    Wayanad is a region in the north east corner of Kerala.  It is nestled in the hills, bordered by both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Its location makes it a stunning place to visit, but an absolute pain to get to. Wayanad is not serviced by the fantastic Indian railway network, so it really can only…