So it begins


I am moving!  So easy to say. Ideally I would like to be India by mid-July, in time for my next birthday, so that gives me about 9 weeks.

How hard can it really be?

I am a list writer, its how I get things done.  Add a task to a list, and then work my way through it, systematically.  So I start writing a list. But this isn’t just any list, I’m not taking a short trip this time.  I am also not young, and have nearly 40 years of accumulated western materialism to either pack, store, throw or give away.

So my list writing starts:

  • book ticket

  • buy guidebook

  • learn hindi

  • leave job

  • rent house

Quickly it becomes apparent to me, that there are quite a few different lists here that need to be written.

One for the house, and what I need to do to make it rent-worthy, fix it, clean it, actually rent it, insure it.

The second is for work and finances.  I need to start getting my CV ready and building connections in a new country.  I barely know where to start with that.

The third is for all my material things.  This list has several categories, what to take with me, what to keep and store and what to give away.  Sounds simple….. except for my Cancerian ways mean I am a hoarder, every memory is retained through some insignificant item that I can’t bear to throw away.  This is going to take a while.

The fourth is for health.  India is such a paradox when it comes to health.  It has some of the best medical professionals in the world, but is notorious for disease and ill health.  Although you can vaccinate for the big diseases, what about things like malaria?  Surely you can’t take anti-malarial medication forever?  A list of questions for my doctor and health insurer starts to grow.

My head starts to spin…. quick a glass of red wine to calm me down.  Then another thought crosses my mind….. I am pretty sure red wine is expensive in India….. I better make my way through the work and finance list first!


5 responses to “So it begins”

  1. Excellent work! I hope you’ve been getting your red wine on and I’m eagerly awaiting your next post! xx

  2. Oh, and I meant to say, as a fellow Cancerian, I totally get it. I would need a couple of large shipping containers I reckon. Best of luck shedding.

  3. So happy that you’ve joined the ranks of the bloggers 😀 Really looking forward to reading this blog and following your story. Blogging rocks!

  4. Millie Avatar

    Everything is a little easier with a glass of red. 9 weeks will really fly. It seems like a really short time.

  5. Great to see you here and love your first post. So much to do but I know you will kill it! xx

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