Tag: Working Overseas

  • Is it too late to save Majuli Island?

    Is it too late to save Majuli Island?


    Majuli Island, in the remote North East Indian state of Assam, is the largest river island in the world. It is rapidly being lost to the savage effects of climate change. Surrounded by the mighty Brahmaputra River, scientists predict that Majuli Island will be entirely reclaimed by the river within 20 years, and along with…

  • Dubai the City of Glamour: United Arab Emirates

    Dubai the City of Glamour: United Arab Emirates


    After a little hiatus, I am getting back into writing about a different location a week I have visited. This week it’s the United Arab Emirates, and more specifically Dubai. Dubai has a special place in my heart, I spent about 6 months there on a rotating fly in fly out arrangement about ten years…

  • I Have Been a Bad Bad Blogger

    I Have Been a Bad Bad Blogger


    I have been a bad bad blogger! Yes I am well aware, that it has been over a month since I last posted, and my goal of posting a new location a week has gone out the window recently. I can explain though. Quite simply I had to earn some money! I have a couple…

  • Back to Reality

    Back to Reality


    It has now been about a month since I returned to India, after a rather long visit to Australia.  When I got on the flight to Mumbai I was feeling really excited about coming back home. It even surprised me when I started calling Mumbai home, but for now, that is exactly what it is…

  • Returning Home: Melbourne

    Returning Home: Melbourne


    The day I landed in Melbourne was only 3 weeks shy of the two year anniversary of me leaving.  I was really looking forward to my visit home, it had been a long time. There was a bit of nervous anticipation as I prepared to go back, I felt like so much about me had…

  • Pigeons are Vegetables: Being Vegetarian in China

    Pigeons are Vegetables: Being Vegetarian in China


    When I was working for both Foster’s and ANZ, I was required to travel to China for work a few times. I had heard some horror stories about Chinese food which made me a little apprehensive about eating anything animal there, particularly as I am already quite picky about what non-vegetarian food I will eat.…

  • Class or crass: India’s Middle Class


    One of the biggest culture shocks I am now experiencing relates to what is considered to be “class” or behaviour that represents economic and social status.  It isn’t something I saw much of when I was backpacking, but now that I am settled into a rather middle class life in Mumbai, I am really struggling…

  • How to change your perception of wealth in India?


    When I moved to India I left behind, what many would consider, a very good career.  I was a senior manager in a big bank, and had a lot of opportunity to progress and develop.  I just needed a change, the corporate rat race wasn’t really for me anymore. Whilst I left my job, I…

  • Orchids in Singapore


    So now I am finally on my way, and have just spent two relaxing days in Singapore. Singapore is one of those places that I love to visit, but I am not too sure if I could live here. Its almost too organised and easy for me to live here.  Don’t get me wrong, I…

  • All packed up


    Phew! It’s been a busy few weeks. In the last week I have: Packed up a three bedroom house Moved all my furniture and belongings into a 3 by 3 storage unit Cleaned my house from top to bottom;  and Moved to my parents house. Of course I didn’t do it all on my own,…

  • To kiss or not to kiss


    My goodbyes, au revoirs and bon voyages have started.  I finished work this week, and as I was bidding farewell to my colleagues, some who are now friends, it raised some awkward questions. Are we close enough to kiss?  Do we feel comfortable enough to embrace? Is a handshake too formal? I have tended to…

  • Clearing out the closet


    This week I begin packing.  I have 18 days to be out of my house, and so the countdown to clear out my belongings begins. But where is the best place to start? I have a three bedroom + study house, and whilst only I live here, I have still managed to fill every room…

  • Odontophobia


    Like many, one of my biggest fears is the dentist. A bigger fear would be to end up in this situation: As much as I fear the dentist here in Australia, I am terrified of needing one in India. So as I wrote my lists of things to do, dentistry was quite high up there.…

  • Keeping it flexible


    I have booked my flights, only 8 weeks and 2 days until I am on my way. Thanks to my generous parents, I will be flying Business Class, enabling me to carry extra luggage.  Given that I am moving indefinitely, the extra baggage allowance will certainly assist me in over-packing.  I have a tendency to…

  • Starting the migration


    My first stage in preparing for my move was getting Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) status. This status allows people of Indian origin who are citizens of other countries have a form of citizenship in India, without needing to give up their rights in their home country. Its a great system, and one that is…

  • In any language?


    I started learning Hindi this year. I thought it would be good preparation for my big move. Before this, I knew only a few basic words like “Namaste” and that was it. Whilst my background is Indian, my parents first language is not Hindi, but rather Gujarati (Gujarat is a state in North West India,…

  • So it begins


    I am moving!  So easy to say. Ideally I would like to be India by mid-July, in time for my next birthday, so that gives me about 9 weeks. How hard can it really be? I am a list writer, its how I get things done.  Add a task to a list, and then work…