Life in the Indian village


I was fortunate enough to spend my Christmas and New Year break with friends in a small village in the Punjab.  Getting to experience the true village life is not something an outsider gets to do usually. In some places I have traveled to village experiences have been offered, but I find these usually to be fabricated experiences rather than the real deal. This time I got the real deal.

The village was small with only about 500 people, I could walk around its perimeter in about half an hour.  Walking past the stunning yellow fields of mustard and vibrant green fields of various grain and vegetable crops and beautiful birds dancing along the rice paddies in the afternoon was a treat for a city slicker like me.

The fields at dusk
Birds and Mustard Fields

It wasn’t idyllic though.  A village is a noisy place and for many there seemed to be virtually no privacy.  Each morning the sound of prayers beamed through the still fog before the sun had risen waking me up.  It wasn’t the gentle humming of a Muslim call to prayer, but rather the nasal chanting in the temple beamed through loud speakers so you didn’t have to leave your house to participate in morning prayers. Convenient for many but certainly not conducive to sleeping in.

As I walked through the dusty village streets most houses were open and it was hard to find somewhere to look where I wasn’t infringing someone’s privacy. I am discovering privacy is not a luxury afforded to anyone in India, so it shouldn’t have surprised me.  What does amaze me is how comfortable and free everyone seems with it, there is little concern for their own space. I watch people wander in and out of each other’s homes with ease and little fanfare. Its a community in the true sense of the word.

View of the Village

There were festivals, street marches and community langars (meals) held to mark religious events and everyone got involved. Celebrations were filled with laughing children.  Despite how little they had (when compared to the world I am accustomed to), they seemed to have so much.

I was given the opportunity to attend the local pre-school and help out one morning. There were about a dozen children from about three to six who congregated (or actually were more aptly “rounded up”) by their teacher and taken to a small house in the fields.  Their learning materials were simple, some hand sewn vegetables that were used to learn colours, names and everyday uses and few posters showing the alphabet and how to count.

Learning Tools

The children seemed happy, albeit a little bored sometimes.  I got the feeling that they were repeating the same lessons day in and day out.  With such limited resources there also seemed to be little opportunity for any individual to extend their learning beyond the rest of the group. One boy was clearly a quick learner and more advanced than the rest of the group, he was able to write the alphabet, but his ability to practise was restricted by the lack of materials as there was only one notebook and pencil available for use.

I spent some time teaching the children how to count in English and going through the alphabet.  It was fun and great to see the smiles on their faces when they remembered a number and could repeat it. I felt rewarded but also a bit despondent. I was fortunate enough to have access to a great education and opportunities but what is there for these children?

Many will probably leave school long before they are fully literate with little opportunity to study further. It is this lack of choice and opportunity that makes me sad, but I don’t know if they feel the same.  After all, if you aren’t aware of what else there is out there in the big wide world, then how do you know whether you are missing out on an alternative life?

It seems the more choices and opportunities we have the more unfulfilled we are.  Perhaps sometimes education and choice isn’t such a great thing after all as it just breeds discontentment and more wanting. The simple life, working your fields and looking after your family certainly seems to have many advantages, not to mention cleaner air to breathe.


10 responses to “Life in the Indian village”

  1. satheesh Avatar

    GOOD ….

  2. Thanks Leonie, I am glad you are enjoying. It lovely to hear from you after so many years.

  3. Leonie Greenwood Avatar
    Leonie Greenwood

    Hi Rakhee,
    I’m really enjoying journeying with you through India via your blog. Your thoughtful insight is a delight. I’m so glad that Emma alerted me to it.
    Leonie Greenwood

  4. It sounds like your experiences were similar to mine Nicky. It is a beautiful place.

  5. Hi Rakhee, I have only visited the village once since arriving in India. I noticed that there is no privacy amongst people, however that’s the way people like it.

    For an Australian this can be very uncomfortable as we are taught from a very young age not to impose on people’s personal space. I personally love my own space and find it difficult to be surrounded by people on a regular basis. There is no right or wrong, only what you know, what you personal choice is and what you have been raised to do.

    I loved the green grass and the friendliness amongst the people in the village. They made me feel very welcome and took a lot of pride in showing me their property and sharing their history with me. “Of course all of this was translated through my husband!”

    I haven’t yet mastered Punjabi!

    Nicky Singh

  6. Yes it is… thanks for your comment

  7. I believe for those who live in oneness with everything around them, privacy is almost non-existent. They may not have what development offers, but they have a beautiful life and that’s a religion by itself. Nice experience.

  8. That sounds like a great change. Good luck.

  9. I can feel you in this post.

    Yeah, they don’t have access to so many things but still their lives are better than the city life in so many ways. The place where i came from is a small hilly town where everyone knows everyone and i miss that lifestyle.

    After living in Delhi for eight year’s, i want to go back to my slow, laid back town. So i have decided to go back by this year.

    Happy New Year

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