Pictorial Post: Taj Mahal


The Taj Mahal requires no words, it’s beauty speaks for itself.


8 responses to “Pictorial Post: Taj Mahal”

  1. […] of the 7 wonders of the world based on an online poll. The poll gave it status alongside India’s Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu in Peru, Petra in Jordan, Italy’s Colosseum and Brazil’s […]

  2. […] elsewhere in India. These were built long before the famous Islamic buildings of the north like the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort of Delhi. While there are no signs of red sandstone or stark white marble and […]

  3. Thanks Alison, its lovely to hear you are enjoying the blog. Take care and please give my warmest regards to everyone at The Torch

  4. The Torch love receiving your Blog’s Aussie Girl. It inspires the travelling heart stuck at home.
    Some months ago I printed a series, to enjoy on an overnight rail trip away. What a great read it was, with red desert Australia as a back drop.
    This one was especially rewarding. What a nice thing to arrive at work to on a wet and muddy Melbourne morning!
    We all think of you, and love receiving your words.

  5. Thanks, I loved the Golden Temple too, so much I have been there twice now. It truly is a gorgeous place.

  6. Yes it is my favourite too

  7. my favorite…. Sweeping the Mosque

  8. Fantastic shots Rakhee, Taj Mahal is a lovely place. I was in India just last month but I didn’t get a chance to visit Agra. However, I did make a day trip to Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple, the place will take your breath away if you haven’t ever been before.
    Good luck on your challenge in India.

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