Month: September 2013

  • Monkeying Around in Gibraltar

    Monkeying Around in Gibraltar


    Gibraltar is one of those odd little principalities that I visited more out of curiousity than anything else. It is a British Territory located in the Iberian Peninsula bordered by the south of Spain. It has quirky appeal, with British Pubs, driving on the left side of the road and of course the huge rock…

  • Things to Do In Germany

    Things to Do In Germany


    Whilst I have visited Germany briefly, this is one country that is still remains on my bucket list, as there is so many places in Germany that I am yet to see. My only trip to Germany was a very brief one just after university. I was backpacking across Europe on this rather restrictive bus…

  • Returning Home: Melbourne

    Returning Home: Melbourne


    The day I landed in Melbourne was only 3 weeks shy of the two year anniversary of me leaving.  I was really looking forward to my visit home, it had been a long time. There was a bit of nervous anticipation as I prepared to go back, I felt like so much about me had…

  • Picking up the Travel Bug: French Polynesia and Vanuatu

    Picking up the Travel Bug: French Polynesia and Vanuatu


    I was fortunate enough to have a private education in Melbourne, which meant that we had access to a range of different activities; one of my favourite ones was school camp. It was an opportunity to explore a new environment and hang out with your friends for days on end. At the beginning of each…

  • Review: Asia Eater Magazine

    Review: Asia Eater Magazine


    I was recently asked to review a new magazine called Asia Eater that has just been launched. It’s no secret that I love my food, so for me this concept really can’t go wrong; a magazine devoted to the food of Asia, where you should eat it and how to cook it yourself… yes please!…

  • Eating Out in Melbourne

    Eating Out in Melbourne


    I am still hungry after talking about eating in Paris last week, so I thought I would keep with the theme this week. I have just spent 7 weeks in Melbourne (with a couple of days in Sydney), enjoying family, friends and the food!  It feels like I ate for the entire 7 weeks (so…