Day Trips from Antigua : Pacay & Chichicastenango


While I loved spending time wandering the cobblestoned laneways of Antigua, it’s also a good base to do some day trips. I had only limited time, so unfortunately didn’t make it to the popular heights of Lake Atitlan, but I did manage to climb an active volcano and visit the largest market in Guatemala.

These two stories are best told visually I think. Don’t you agree?

Pacaya Volcano

Pacaya is one of the active volcanoes that surrounds Antigua. It’s a lovely walk to the top, but as the sun started to fall, the mist crept in, adding a mysterious beauty to the area.


The largest market in Guatemala, Chichicastenango is great fun for a day trip. It’s all about the colour, the food and of course the people.


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This post was written in collaboration with Airbnb, but the opinions are entirely my own.


2 responses to “Day Trips from Antigua : Pacay & Chichicastenango”

  1. Rakhee Ghelani Avatar
    Rakhee Ghelani

    Thanks 🙂

  2. Great post n Pics !

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