Tag: Buddha

  • Hidden Delights in Madhya Pradesh: Sanchi

    Hidden Delights in Madhya Pradesh: Sanchi


    Less than 50 kilometres from Bhopal is the small town of Sanchi, home to one of the best kept Buddhist temples in the world. Built in the 3rd century and lovingly restored in recent years, the stupa and its nearby temples and monasteries sit high on a hill. The main stupa is just spectacular! Walking…

  • I Want Kandy

    I Want Kandy


    Kandy was a town that we were looking forward to visit, because it has always been fondly remembered by a close Sri Lankan family friend as their favourite place in Sri Lanka.  With all the anticipation, I am happy to say that it certainly didn’t disappoint, even despite the relentless rain. Kandy is slightly elevated…

  • In the Path of Buddha (Part 2) – Rajgir and Nalanda


    Rajgir is a small town in Bihar about 2 hours by bus from Bodhgaya.  I was a little apprehensive about going there as Bihar has quite a bad reputation; it is known for being unsafe, particularly for women, lawless with bandits being common place (so I was told), so I was on my closest guard.…

  • In the Path of Buddha – Bodhgaya


    I left Delhi feeling the need for a bit of calm and zen; not two words that readily come to mind when thinking about India.  Visiting some of the famous Buddhist sites seemed like a good place to start. I still have such beautiful memories of trekking in the Nepalese Himalayas and the calming effect…