Tag: Delhi

  • Restaurant Review: Indian Accent, Delhi

    Restaurant Review: Indian Accent, Delhi


    Indian Accent has been called the “best Indian restaurant in India”. It’s a big title to hold, so of course I had to try it out for myself. It’s a fusion restaurant, and I’d been told by foodies I respect that it was superior to one of my favourite restaurants in Mumbai, Masala Library, which…

  • Mumbai versus Delhi: Where Would You Choose to Live?


    Delhi has recently been given a rather bad time in the media, particularly as a city for women (or perhaps more appropriately not for women).  With this in the back of my mind, I now find myself pondering whether it is a city I could choose to live in. I went to Delhi last week…

  • It’s the Season for Music


    It seems to be the season for festivals here in India.  Mumbai Film Festival has just finished and everywhere I turn there seems to be another new festival to attend. One thing I did a lot of in my past life (in Australia) was see a lot of music and go to music festivals.  From…

  • How India Turned Me Into a Feminist


    I have a confession to make, I am a feminist. Nine months travelling through India has turned me into a feminist and this is me coming out of the closet. I have always considered myself to be egalitarian, striving for equality rather than subjugation of one gender over another. Then I spent 9 months backpacking…

  • Delhi as a Tourist


    Delhi has been a like a base for me over the past 8 months, I have passed in and out several times and been lucky enough to see a lot of it with locals, experiencing the things they enjoy and discovering my own new ones as well. However its been over 10 years since I…

  • Discovering Delhi: Some of my favourite things


    I have spent the last few weeks in Delhi.  Its been a time of relaxation for me, hanging out with family and enjoying the company of friends who have dropped past.  What I have enjoyed the most has been discovering some little gems in Delhi that I wouldn’t normally get to see if I was…

  • Riding the Buses in India


    The mere thought of taking a long bus journey in India now brings a shiver up my spine. It has taken only three bus journeys to bring me to this point. As I now sit here and plan out the next few weeks of my travels, I am deliberately choosing routes that allow for train…

  • Opportunity Cost: Travel for travel’s sake or is it all about getting a good photo?


    *This post is participating in its first blog-hop hosted by Tortoise Mum on the theme of Opportunity Cost.  Hop on over and take a look at other posts on opportunity cost. I finally set out on my journey to travel across India, leaving the safe haven that had been my family’s home in Vadodara. First…