Tag: Language

  • Exploring Antigua Guatemala

    Exploring Antigua Guatemala


    Antigua Guatemala, not to be confused with Antigua and Barbuda (in the West Indies), is a charming colonial town about an hour from the capital, Guatemala City. I’d decided to skip the big city altogether, but caught a little glimpse when I arrived by bus from Flores at about 6am in morning and was glad…

  • 15 Minutes in Bollywood: Bhaag Milkha Bhaag

    15 Minutes in Bollywood: Bhaag Milkha Bhaag


    It really had to be only a matter of time before I became a Bollywood star… after all I have been in Mumbai for over a year now. So when I got a phone call a few weeks ago asking me if I wanted my Australian accent to be famous, how could I refuse? To…

  • Indian English: My Top 10


    I love the English language.  Since I have been learning Hindi, I do also appreciate how hard it is to learn any language that is not your first language. That is why I find it fascinating that most middle and upper class Indians speak at least two languages proficiently, if not 3 or 4.  English…

  • Trekking in the Sham Valley: Ladakh


    I was only able to take a short trip to Ladakh, but I really wanted to fit in a trek of some description.  Luckily I managed to find a 5 day trek that would let me explore some villages without having to go to high in altitude.  Whilst I have trekked in high altitude before…

  • Beauty, Nature and Solitude – Chilika Lake


    I chose to travel down the East coast of India, on my way to Chennai, to experience the road less traveled.  Odisha is certainly a place I loved, but I discovered quite quickly that the less worn path also comes with its challenges, especially for someone with limited linguistic skills.  Whilst my rudimentary Hindi was…

  • Inspiration: Travel and Parkinson’s Disease


    Travelling around India, I have come across all types of people; hippies, spiritual seekers, cultural aficionados and just those who are interested in seeing India. In Puri, I was lucky to meet the most inspirational couple I have met in my travels., a Canadian couple who have spent a lot of time in India over…

  • Cultural Misfits: Where do I fit in?


    I am learning Hindi and have found the experience particularly challenging given the rather diverse cultural history I come from ( something I have discussed a bit previously here). My grandparents were born in India, my parents in East Africa and myself in Australia. Growing up, a mixture of four languages were spoken in my…

  • India and Pakistan: Not ordinary enemies


    Before I start this post, I must clarify that I am NOT writing this based on a deep and studied understanding of the politics of the relationship between India and Pakistan. This post is based entirely on my observations of the Wagha Border Closing Ceremony that I attended yesterday. The Wagha border refers to the…

  • A life of worship


    For most hindu’s, daily life revolves around the local temple.  My auntie goes every morning, not specifically to worship, but just to say hello to everyone as they do their daily rituals. Because I am an early riser (well at least in Indian time), I have been going with her each morning for the 15…

  • In any language?


    I started learning Hindi this year. I thought it would be good preparation for my big move. Before this, I knew only a few basic words like “Namaste” and that was it. Whilst my background is Indian, my parents first language is not Hindi, but rather Gujarati (Gujarat is a state in North West India,…