Pictorial Post: Gwalior


Gwalior is one of the towns that not many tourists go through.  This makes it a fantastic town to visit.  It is quiet, the locals all go about their business, not too disturbed by the strange looking woman walking around. There are no touts, no other tourists and absolutely no hassles.

“What is there to see in Gwalior?” My cousin asked me when I mentioned I was going through there.  I can now say with confidence, there is a beautiful fort, some lovely temples and well kept rock carvings and they are all peaceful and calm.  Here’s a look at what there is in Gwalior.

Gwalior Fort
View of the Fort and City
Carvings at Urvai Gate
Carvings at Urvai Gate
Sasbahu (Mother & Daughter In Law) Temple
Bats at Man Mandir Palace


3 responses to “Pictorial Post: Gwalior”

  1. Thanks I look forward to following your journey too

  2. Hi I am a new follower to your blog. I am a fellow aussie about to embark on Bangkok but there is a chance we will have a future trip to India.

    Looking forward to following your adventure over there 🙂

  3. Katherine Avatar

    Looks gorgeous!

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