15 Minutes in Bollywood: Bhaag Milkha Bhaag


Bhaag-Milkha-Bhaag-Movie-First-Look-PosterIt really had to be only a matter of time before I became a Bollywood star… after all I have been in Mumbai for over a year now. So when I got a phone call a few weeks ago asking me if I wanted my Australian accent to be famous, how could I refuse?

To be honest, I had no idea what the film was, but I thought doing a voice-over for a film would be a bit of fun, so I accepted the mission and headed off to a studio in Juhu ready for my brush with fame.

The production schedule was running a little late so I sat in the foyer of what looked like an old movie theatre for a while. A slightly older gentleman joined me, but I got the feeling that he was well known, as everyone who walked past referred to him respectfully as “Sir” or “Ji”.

Finally I was called in to a small theatre with a huge screen. Behind a glass screen was the director and producer (I assume), and in front of me a microphone and the giant screen.  I was told my lines and about a minute of the film was played to me. Due to my rather embarrassing lack of knowledge of Bollywood stars, I had no idea that the actor my character was talking to was Farhan Akhtar, someone I now know is a bit of a big deal in the Indian film industry.

So for the next 30 minutes I pretended I was a blonde haired, blue eyed Australian athlete and repeated the same four lines over and over and over and over and over again.  Really it shouldn’t have taken that long, it was a very small role after all, but I was an amateur after all. And to make it worse apparently being in India for two years had done some damage to my Australian accent.

I could still sound credibly ocker, except when I was trying to say the word “India”. Yes apparently 2 years in India has changed the way I refer to my new home country. The director kept stopping me and eventually just said “you say “India” like an Indian. Its not In-di-a it’s In-di-ye-ah”


Is that how my friends say it? I honestly believe I have spoken the word “India” the same my whole life, without ever thinking about it. Since that night I haven’t stopped thinking about it. I have been listening to myself speak and wondering if I really am starting to sound like an Indian.

So why don’t you tell me what you think? Go see the film Bhaag Milka Bhaag, you can’t miss it, it is the biggest release out of Bollywood in July and it releases today July 12th. See if you can pick my voice, tell me whether I still have that Oz-S-Tray-Le-An sound, or if I really now have a hint of the Indian vernacular sneaking into my accent.

If you just want my autograph… well for that you may have to wait for my encore performance.


25 responses to “15 Minutes in Bollywood: Bhaag Milkha Bhaag”

  1. Koushik Ghosh Avatar
    Koushik Ghosh

    Nice work Rakhee. Congrats.

  2. Thanks so much!

  3. I just saw the movie and really took notice of the Australian accent in this particular scene. Then I read your post and can’t believe it’s you!! Congrats!

  4. Prateek Avatar

    This is so cool! I may go see the movie just for this.

  5. I think it was just those lines! I am in Australia at the moment and my Aussie friends say my accent is just fine.

  6. yes indeed, I would be happy for more voice-over work for sure

  7. kirang Avatar

    well, did you like the way he tied up his hair? 🙂 I was looking out for your lines. You did sound different from the way Milkha’s Australian girlfriend spoke. Is your native accent really in transition or was it just those lines?

  8. hey, I read about it , a full page in the Metro (free newspaper ) on Friday!! thought to myself ‘will go see this movie’. little did I know your voice/you are in it. Fantastic. here’s to mover voiceover work for you. ciao

  9. Really Very Good Movie,
    It Fills The PYALA (Glass). Awesome Work Done By Whole Team & Specially Milkha SIngh.

  10. Cheers. I have been in India for two years and so far so good.

  11. It was so quick I am not surprised if you missed it

  12. yes Nisha, they should pay me for promotion that’s a great idea!

  13. Well now I wouldn’t say that, especially now she has a super-smart voice 🙂

  14. Akshita Avatar

    Great! Keep it up!
    I haven’t seen the movie till now, but for sure there is no doubt that I won’t!

  15. I will be interesting to watch the movie and try to spot your voice for the Australian athlete. Hope your experience in India was good

  16. I had seen it in a premiere show yesterday, and read your blog now!. Could not catch your voice. 🙁

  17. As I said on Facebook, till now I was looking for your voice in the promos of the film. Not anymore.
    BTW, they should pay you for promoting the film ! 😉

  18. And a “dumb blonde” at that! 😉

  19. Cheers.

    I don’t know who the older man was, I will have to see the film and work it out I guess.

  20. Wow..was so Interested in watching Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, n here’s one more reason now 🙂 🙂
    Awesome n many many Congratulations for makin it in Bollywood!
    N now i ll brag in front of my frenz – I know the girl who spoke these lines in the movie..I follow her blog 😉
    Btw..did you figure who the ‘slightly older gentleman’ was..i’m really curious to know (was it the legendary ‘Flying Sikh’ himself)

  21. Ah okay. That makes my movie watching experience all the more interesting now 🙂

  22. I only have four lines, playing a blonde Australian athlete. Good luck spotting me 🙂

  23. Nice post..Congrats for making into bollywood 🙂

  24. Going to watch the movie tomorrow. Never heard you but will try to spot your voice. For what role have your lent your voice? I mean, the name and sequence. I know you have mentioned an Australian athlete in the post.

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