Category: Family

  • Nagaland: The last frontier

    Nagaland: The last frontier


    Two boys no older than ten wander the dusty roadside, semi-automatic rifles slung casually across their backs. Hearing the vehicle, they meander off-road into the thick verdant forest that’s lush but eerily silent.  I ask my driver where all the animals are and he responds drily, “These Nagas eat everything.” Characterised by headhunters and a…

  • The Big Fat Indian Wedding

    The Big Fat Indian Wedding


    It had to happen, I just can’t believe it took me so long. Before you get too excited, no I didn’t get married. This is so much better! I dressed up in sarees, wore plenty of bling and partied away without the inevitable stress that comes with being a member of the wedding party. I had…

  • Farewell 2013

    Farewell 2013


    Another year comes to an end, so here is a quick post about my highlights of 2013 and what my plans are for next year. Highlight of 2013:  Visiting Australia and spending time with my family and friends. Saying goodbye to my 30’s was also a highlight, the decade has been a mixed bag of the…

  • Returning Home: Melbourne

    Returning Home: Melbourne


    The day I landed in Melbourne was only 3 weeks shy of the two year anniversary of me leaving.  I was really looking forward to my visit home, it had been a long time. There was a bit of nervous anticipation as I prepared to go back, I felt like so much about me had…

  • Melbourne: The Things I Have Missed

    Melbourne: The Things I Have Missed


    I have been visiting Melbourne, which is home, for the past few weeks. I still have a couple of weeks to go before returning to Mumbai, but as I sit here on a cold, rainy day I am thinking of all the things that I have really missed here. Some that I knew I was…

  • Childhood Memories: Fiji

    Childhood Memories: Fiji


    I visited Fiji as a child in the late 1970’s (yes I really am that old!) with my family.  It was so long ago I can’t recall everything we did, but what I do remember is the stuff that makes for wonderful childhood memories.  Long days just swimming in the sea, building sandcastles and late…