Category: Thailand

  • Life in a Refugee Camp: Thailand

    Life in a Refugee Camp: Thailand


    I was fortunate enough to spend New Year’s Eve and Day visiting two refugee camps on the Thai / Burma border (Burma is officially known as Myanmar now). A friend that I have been visiting in Thailand works on the border and offered me the opportunity to visit the camps and experience Karen New Year.…

  • Farewell 2013

    Farewell 2013


    Another year comes to an end, so here is a quick post about my highlights of 2013 and what my plans are for next year. Highlight of 2013:  Visiting Australia and spending time with my family and friends. Saying goodbye to my 30’s was also a highlight, the decade has been a mixed bag of the…

  • I Have Been a Bad Bad Blogger

    I Have Been a Bad Bad Blogger


    I have been a bad bad blogger! Yes I am well aware, that it has been over a month since I last posted, and my goal of posting a new location a week has gone out the window recently. I can explain though. Quite simply I had to earn some money! I have a couple…