Tag: Friends
Decoding the Indian Man Part 2: Infidelity and Apologies
Is infidelity a part of Indian culture? Is it one that is accepted? Is it something that women just turn a blind eye to because of economic dependence, desperation and / or lack of self-esteem? Are Indian men capable of apologising when they are wrong? These are the questions that have been occupying my mind…
Class or crass: India’s Middle Class
One of the biggest culture shocks I am now experiencing relates to what is considered to be “class” or behaviour that represents economic and social status. It isn’t something I saw much of when I was backpacking, but now that I am settled into a rather middle class life in Mumbai, I am really struggling…
The Joy and Curse of Solo-Travel
I love traveling on my own, I have been a solo-traveler for about 14 years now and thrive on the freedom and exhilaration of it. I guess you could say I have a strong independent streak and am comfortable in my own company, after all I have lived alone for 13 years. I have now…
Decoding the Indian man
As a single, hetereosexual woman, its only natural that I spend some time observing the opposite sex as I go through my travels. Whilst I am not looking for a long-term relationship per se, I do enjoy the company of men (platonic and romantic) and it would be nice to make some friends in my…
Foodie Post: The Art of Paan
I must confess I am a foodie. I love food, I enjoy trying all sorts of delicacies and am that annoying person who takes photos of the food they are about to eat. So it will come as no surprise to those who know my true identity that I will be doing a series of…
A life of worship
For most hindu’s, daily life revolves around the local temple. My auntie goes every morning, not specifically to worship, but just to say hello to everyone as they do their daily rituals. Because I am an early riser (well at least in Indian time), I have been going with her each morning for the 15…
Orchids in Singapore
So now I am finally on my way, and have just spent two relaxing days in Singapore. Singapore is one of those places that I love to visit, but I am not too sure if I could live here. Its almost too organised and easy for me to live here. Don’t get me wrong, I…
All packed up
Phew! It’s been a busy few weeks. In the last week I have: Packed up a three bedroom house Moved all my furniture and belongings into a 3 by 3 storage unit Cleaned my house from top to bottom; and Moved to my parents house. Of course I didn’t do it all on my own,…
To kiss or not to kiss
My goodbyes, au revoirs and bon voyages have started. I finished work this week, and as I was bidding farewell to my colleagues, some who are now friends, it raised some awkward questions. Are we close enough to kiss? Do we feel comfortable enough to embrace? Is a handshake too formal? I have tended to…
The panic sets in
I haven’t written for a couple of weeks now, partly due to illness (its winter where I live and so very cold), and partly due to panic. Panic over the amount of things that I have to do in the next 4 weeks and 4 days, and how little I seem to be achieving. Procrastination…
Keeping it flexible
I have booked my flights, only 8 weeks and 2 days until I am on my way. Thanks to my generous parents, I will be flying Business Class, enabling me to carry extra luggage. Given that I am moving indefinitely, the extra baggage allowance will certainly assist me in over-packing. I have a tendency to…