Tag: Health

  • Things I’ve Learned From Back Pain

    Things I’ve Learned From Back Pain


    It’s been ages since I blogged and I have my reasons I promise. Most recently I’ve spent the majority of the past couple of months flat on my back…. literally. I thought debilitating back pain was just exaggerated or something old people got. That is until it happened to me and I was flung straight into…

  • Nagaland: Sign of the Times

    Nagaland: Sign of the Times


    One of the things I found pleasantly surprising about Nagaland was the openness in which they seemed to at least acknowledge social issues. In a country where a lot of things are left unsaid, the public signs found all over Nagaland addressed some hard hitting topics head on. By far, my favorite sign was this…

  • Would You Marry Your Rapist?


    One of the most disturbing things I have read lately in the Indian papers is about this concept of marrying a survivor of sexual assault to her perpetrator. Yes you read that correctly, a man forces himself on a women and she is then forced to marry him.  WTF? The rationale for this seems to…

  • Superpower for Some: Infant Mortality and Maternal Health

    Superpower for Some: Infant Mortality and Maternal Health


    India doesn’t seem to be a lucky country if you are a newborn child or woman who has survived into adulthood.  I have written before about the treatment of women in India here and here  and it is not an issue that will go away.  Whilst I see a lot of bad news in the Indian…

  • Trekking in the Sham Valley: Ladakh


    I was only able to take a short trip to Ladakh, but I really wanted to fit in a trek of some description.  Luckily I managed to find a 5 day trek that would let me explore some villages without having to go to high in altitude.  Whilst I have trekked in high altitude before…

  • Medicine at what cost?


    After 11 months in India, it finally managed to make me sick…. really sick.  Over the course of four weeks I have managed to spend three weeks debilitated by various stomach bugs.  It hasn’t been fun, and now that we are in the thick of monsoon, I am not entirely sure that it’s over yet.…

  • Inspiration: Travel and Parkinson’s Disease


    Travelling around India, I have come across all types of people; hippies, spiritual seekers, cultural aficionados and just those who are interested in seeing India. In Puri, I was lucky to meet the most inspirational couple I have met in my travels., a Canadian couple who have spent a lot of time in India over…

  • Varanasi: Is there any hope for India?


    Distressed. Helpless. Filthy. Nauseous. This is how I felt in Varanasi, one of the holiest and most revered places in India. Wandering along the ghats, I observed the rituals. A man placed a cup in the Ganges, pulled it out and drank in the holy water. He looked at peace in the belief that this…

  • My own personal yoga ashram


    I have been in Rishikesh for 11 days now. For someone who is used to the buzz of backpacking and exploring a new place every few days, 11 days is a long time to stay somewhere, and I still have another 5 days before I plan on leaving. Rishikesh is on the banks of the…

  • Foodie Post: The Art of Paan


    I must confess I am a foodie. I love food, I enjoy trying all sorts of delicacies and am that annoying person who takes photos of the food they are about to eat. So it will come as no surprise to those who know my true identity that I will be doing a series of…

  • Are women really impure in the eyes of god?


    In my last post (here) I talked about how the temple is the centre of the community in India.  However I have now found myself banned from entering.  Yes, banned from the temple….. what terrible faux pas did I make to be prohibited from entering the temple? I bled. The most natural thing in the…

  • Odontophobia


    Like many, one of my biggest fears is the dentist. A bigger fear would be to end up in this situation: As much as I fear the dentist here in Australia, I am terrified of needing one in India. So as I wrote my lists of things to do, dentistry was quite high up there.…