Pigeons are Vegetables: Being Vegetarian in China


Bok Choy (photo by acceptable)
Bok Choy (photo by acceptable)

When I was working for both Foster’s and ANZ, I was required to travel to China for work a few times. I had heard some horror stories about Chinese food which made me a little apprehensive about eating anything animal there, particularly as I am already quite picky about what non-vegetarian food I will eat. To make it easier, I decided to just be entirely vegetarian on my visits, naively thinking that this would be easier. Besides, there is nothing better than some crunchy bok choy and tofu, I could happily go veg in China.

For the most parts, this eating strategy worked, but one occasion sticks out where it went horribly wrong.

At a work dinner, our host had suggested that he order for the table as the entire menu was in mandarin. I was happy for him to, but just advised him that I was vegetarian. Looking perplexed, he repeated “vegetarian… so you eat chicken”.

“Ah no, just vegetables only no animal” I replied

“hmm ok I think I understand” he responded and then proceeded to order

About twenty minutes later whilst all the beef, pork and chicken dishes came out, a waiter proudly put my plate of vegetarian delights in front of me. To my horror the dish before me was not a vegetable, but rather a pigeon that had been plucked and then roasted whole. Even its beak was still attached and was carefully open, as if it was still singing to me.

I was speechless!

My host smiled proudly and announced “Vegetable”

Yes apparently in China pigeons are really vegetables.


8 responses to “Pigeons are Vegetables: Being Vegetarian in China”

  1. […] based on an online poll. The poll gave it status alongside India’s Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu in Peru, Petra in Jordan, Italy’s Colosseum and Brazil’s Christ Redeemer. Since […]

  2. Ratnesh Sharma Avatar
    Ratnesh Sharma


  3. Prateek Avatar

    This is why I eat what I am served. Then eat de-worming tablets later.

  4. Not to your knowledge anyway!

  5. I can relate!! I am a strict vegetarian and spent 4 weeks in China. Challenging is an understatement, although I was never served a pigeon!

  6. What a funny story…absolutely hilarious!

  7. Oh dear, pigeon with Dal sounds even worse

  8. Haa! The same happened with me in Pakistan. Apparently it was cooked in Dal.

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