Tag: Mumbai

  • Tiffins Galore: My Visit to Spice Box Tiffin Service


    As part of my day spent with the dabbawalas, I visited Spice Box who cook, pack and send off over 500 tiffin meals a day to hungry office workers all over Bombay.  They use the dabbawalas to make the deliveries, and therefore have to have all their tiffins packed and ready to go before 10am in…

  • Geek Post: The Fascinating Lean Process of The Dabbawalas of Mumbai

    Geek Post: The Fascinating Lean Process of The Dabbawalas of Mumbai


    The Dabbawalas of Mumbai are legendary. These 5,000 people deliver over 200,000 lunches a day to the workers of Bombay, and have done so for almost 125 years. It is not so much what they do that is remarkable, but the process in which they do it. As someone who has spent years of my…

  • Exploring Bollywood

    Exploring Bollywood


    Anyone who knows me knows I am not really a huge fan of Bollywood.  I have however found that living in India you kind of absorb information about Bollywood almost subliminally. My parents on the other hand are huge Bollywood fans, and have a rather large collection of Hindi films back home in Australia. So…

  • Mumbai: Crawford Market

    Mumbai: Crawford Market


    Crawford Market is one of those iconic places in Mumbai. You can buy anything here from fresh veggies to precious jewellery. There are several different sections to the market that stretches out over several blocks, with different regions each specialising in specific products. Starting at the fruit and vegetable market, a grand old building… we…

  • Mumbai versus Delhi: Where Would You Choose to Live?


    Delhi has recently been given a rather bad time in the media, particularly as a city for women (or perhaps more appropriately not for women).  With this in the back of my mind, I now find myself pondering whether it is a city I could choose to live in. I went to Delhi last week…

  • The Difference Between Sri Lanka and India


    It had been 18 months since I had been outside of India.  That’s a long time, and to be honest I didn’t think going to Sri Lanka was really going to be a big change from what had become normality to me, after all at some points there is only 30 kilomtres separating Tamil Nadu…

  • Wild Ass and The Little Rann of Kutch

    Wild Ass and The Little Rann of Kutch


    I visited the Little Rann of Kutch recently for the first time.  I wasn’t quite sure what to expect there, I had heard so much about the Great Rann but not so much about its smaller cousin. Going somewhere without any expectations, definitely means it has less of chance to let you down. Our visit…

  • Foodie Post: Pineapples


    One of the things I love about India, is the natural craft and skill that exists.  Even in what seems like the most simplest of things, there is so much skill involved. It is pineapple season here, and last night as we were walking home, my mother found the beautiful fresh pineapples irresistible. Whilst the…

  • Bandh (Closed): Incredible India Indeed

    Bandh (Closed): Incredible India Indeed


    My parents arrived in Mumbai a week ago.  Its been almost 18 months since we have been together, and so they are having an extended visit for a few months with me.  Its been really lovely having them around, I come home to home-cooked food, and its nice to show them my Mumbai. They arrived…

  • It’s the Season for Music


    It seems to be the season for festivals here in India.  Mumbai Film Festival has just finished and everywhere I turn there seems to be another new festival to attend. One thing I did a lot of in my past life (in Australia) was see a lot of music and go to music festivals.  From…

  • Mumbai Film Festival


    I love a good film festival.  In Melbourne I would always go to the International Film Festival that came to town each year. For someone who is not so creative, I seem to have a lot of friends who are in the arts, and a few of my close ones in Australia are film-makers.  It…

  • Navratri in Mumbai

    Navratri in Mumbai


    Navratri is a festival that is celebrated around October every year (its actual dates are lunar).  In line with its meaning the festival goes for “nine nights”.  I must confess, I don’t know much about the technicalities of why Navratri is celebrated, but I believe it is related to invoking the energy of the Goddess…

  • Sometimes A Girl Just Need Some Girlfriends


    Last week I made 5 new friends. I can’t remember the last time I made that many new friends in a week.  As I have got older, meeting new people that I click with has become harder, and to be honest it has never worried me,  I much prefer quality over quantity anyway. But when…

  • Foodie Post: My Favourite Locals


    I love food. That is certainly not a revelation to anyone who has read some of my posts, seen my tweets or followed me on Instagram.  Good food to me isn’t just about eating gourmet though, its about just enjoying some of my favourite things and being able to go back to those that are…

  • Trekking in the Sham Valley: Ladakh


    I was only able to take a short trip to Ladakh, but I really wanted to fit in a trek of some description.  Luckily I managed to find a 5 day trek that would let me explore some villages without having to go to high in altitude.  Whilst I have trekked in high altitude before…

  • Visiting Heaven: Leh


    Driving from the airport to my homestay, I couldn’t hear a horn honking and the streets looked clean from plastic rubbish, I definitely wasn’t in Mumbai anymore. I had however gone from sea level to 3,500 metres in altitude in 4 hours, which very quickly turned into mild altitude sickness: a thumping headache and lethargy…

  • India: My Favourites

    India: My Favourites


    I have been in India for almost a year now, and in that time I have seen and experienced so much that this amazing country has to offer.  I am asked often about what are my most memorable experiences, so I thought I would share some of them.  My list is by no means complete,…

  • Medicine at what cost?


    After 11 months in India, it finally managed to make me sick…. really sick.  Over the course of four weeks I have managed to spend three weeks debilitated by various stomach bugs.  It hasn’t been fun, and now that we are in the thick of monsoon, I am not entirely sure that it’s over yet.…

  • A Verdant Escape: Sikkim


    When I was invited to a conference in Sikkim I jumped at the chance.  Whilst I was excited and interested in the topic to be discussed, travel, I just wanted to experience this place for myself.  I had heard so many things about Sikkim, most people who had described it to me looked longingly as…

  • Waiting for the Monsoon


    The weather here in Mumbai is now diabolical.  Between 9am and 6pm its too hot to consider venturing outside for any length of time.  Even just standing outside my front door for a few minutes renders me covered in sweat. The air is steamy.  The humidity weighs so heavily you almost feel like you are…