Another year comes to an end, so here is a quick post about my highlights of 2013 and what my plans are for next year.
Highlight of 2013: Visiting Australia and spending time with my family and friends. Saying goodbye to my 30’s was also a highlight, the decade has been a mixed bag of the lowest of lows with some interesting highs. I look forward to a more stable and joyful decade ahead of me.

Best Travel Experience of 2013: This is a hard one to pick, but I think it would have to be the luxury resort I stayed in rural Rajasthan. I have never experienced anything like it, once in your life you just must!
Best Food Experience: Everything I ate in Melbourne. My home town really is the foodie capital of the world for me, it has everything I love and a whole lot of things I never knew I would adore too.
And for 2014, what do I hope for:
Success in Business: One of the businesses that I have been working on is a home textile venture, that has been in development over 2013. My business partners and I have come along way and are now on the cusp of launching. It is a very exciting time, and I am looking forward to devoting much of my time in the coming year to launching and building this business.
Happiness: Yes we all want happiness, and it has been something I have always aimed for. My life is not unhappy at present, to the contrary I live a comfortable life, am able to do things that give me great joy like travel and eat well, and I have been blessed with incredible family and friends. I laugh often and have a great time regularly. But as I occasionally allude to, there have been things in my life that have not been so happy, and 2013 was unfortunately no exception to this. I know the bad times are part of life, but there are things I can do to minimise them and that is what I intend to do in 2014. They are very personal things, so I won’t list them here, but here’s to more happiness, laughter and joy.
Travel for the Sake of Travel: I haven’t travelled much just for the sake of it in 2013. I started the year with a trip to Sri Lanka with my parents, and then went to Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh for work. My trip to Australia was to visit family and friends. Ending the year in Thailand and starting next year in Myanmar, I hope to travel more just for the pure joy of travel. There is so much around Mumbai I haven’t explored, even more in the rest of India and of course the world in my bucket list to get through. So next year, I will travel more to feed my soul.
Wishing all who read this humble blog a happy new year.
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