Category: Muslim

  • Discovering New Places To Visit in Bombay: Mazagaon and Khotachiwadi

    Discovering New Places To Visit in Bombay: Mazagaon and Khotachiwadi


    I seem to spend so much of my time these days either at home working or going to the same places to meet friends, that I’d almost forgotten about the joy of discovering new places to visit in Mumbai. So one surprisingly sunny monsoon afternoon a friend and I decided to do just that. We…

  • Exploring Gujarat : Champaner

    Exploring Gujarat : Champaner


    I’ve been to Baroda (or Vadodara) more times then I can remember as it is where some of my family lives, but I’m embarassed to say I’ve never visited the nearby UNESCO World Heritage Site of Champaner until now.  I did a fly by visit of Baroda last weekend and thanks to my own stupidity…

  • The Worst Place in the World: Egypt

    The Worst Place in the World: Egypt


    So last week I took myself on a fantastic trip down memory lane back to my favourite travel destination on earth, but next on the list just happens to be the only place in the world I have vowed never to return; Egypt. I had always dreamed of travelling to Egypt, it is after all…

  • Happy Easter: The Dolorosa Walk in Jerusalem

    Happy Easter: The Dolorosa Walk in Jerusalem


    It is Easter, usually a time when I am gorging myself with chocolates and hot cross buns, but here in India it is almost a non-event, except that banks are closed and my Hindu maid has decided to take the day off. So sitting here I started reflecting back on some time I spent in…

  • Pictorial Post: Taj Mahal


    The Taj Mahal requires no words, it’s beauty speaks for itself.

  • Guruvayur and Thrissur: How do you prove you are Hindu?


    How do you prove what religion you were raised to someone you just met? A Christian can wear a cross, although anyone could do this relatively easily. A Muslim woman can wear a Hijab, but not all do. A Jewish woman can shave her head and wear a long skirt, although only the orthodox do.…