Tag: Photography

  • Bangla Affair : Kolkata

    Bangla Affair : Kolkata


    I can’t believe it took me so long to visit Kolkata. Even though I’ve passed through the city on my way to Odisha, for some reason I’d never stepped out of the airport until now. By chance I managed to pick up a cheap flight about 6 months ago and forgot about it, so it…

  • The Ancient Capital of Japan : Kyoto

    The Ancient Capital of Japan : Kyoto


    Kyoto is the ancient capital of Japan. With picturesque temples, old cobble-stoned streets and the occasional kimono-clad Geisha wandering down the street, it’s a postcard view of Japan. The temples are certainly a highlight of the city, along with the haunting bamboo grove in Arashiyama and the peaceful public parks. They need no words, the…

  • Bright Lights Big City : Tokyo

    Bright Lights Big City : Tokyo


    I had always imagined Tokyo as a huge city of towering buildings and flashing neon signs. Something like this: But now that I’ve seen Tokyo I would describe it as green, peaceful and almost European. I spent a few days just wandering through different parts of the city, and was just amazed at how calm,…

  • The Toilets of Japan

    The Toilets of Japan


    I know, I know, toilet humour really is the lowest common denominator. But this post isn’t about toilet humour I promise, but rather it’s about toilet etiquette in Japan. You see the Japanese are incredibly clean people, and their obsession with ensuring everything is pristine starts with themselves and in particular their toilets. From my…

  • Flying High : Paragliding Near Mumbai

    Flying High : Paragliding Near Mumbai


    I will let you into one of my not so favourite secrets. As I get older I am becoming more and more scared of heights. I don’t have an issue going up, but when I have to look down or try to walk down a steep incline, I become paralysed with fear. Only a few…

  • The Big Fat Indian Wedding : Shaadi Time

    The Big Fat Indian Wedding : Shaadi Time


    This is the fourth and final part of The Big Fat Wedding, you can find the rest here: Introduction Pre-Wedding Rituals The Engagement It was a rather rude alarm that woke me up early in the morning to have my saree draped the morning after the Sangeet. It was a little hard to believe that…

  • The Big Fat Indian Wedding : The Engagement

    The Big Fat Indian Wedding : The Engagement


    This is the third part of The Big Fat Wedding, you can find the rest here: Introduction Pre-Wedding Rituals Shaadi Time Bright and early on a Tuesday morning the Engagement ceremonies began. The timing of these are generally dictated by astrology, which explains the 7.30am start. The first ceremony is Vratham. This is where Carl…

  • A Step Back in Time: Yangon

    A Step Back in Time: Yangon


    Yangon is the capital of Myanmar. Whilst it is a bustling city, it kind of looks and feels a bit like it is 40 years behind the times. It’s hard to put a finger on it exactly. Perhaps it’s the concrete buildings, the lack of internet and phone access or just the way everything is…

  • The Clayton’s Asia: Laos


    Laos to me is Asia without really being Asia. It doesn’t have the high-tech feel of places like Singapore or Hong Kong, and isn’t an explosion of sights, taste and sound like Thailand or even Vietnam. To me it’s the Clayton’s Asia, or the Asia you have when you don’t have Asia (quoting a very…

  • Paradise Found: Inle Lake

    Paradise Found: Inle Lake


    Just the mention of Inle Lake makes anyone who has been there sigh as they drift off dreamily remembering this region of Burma. It really is a paradise. What makes Inle Lake so lovely is that it’s relatively untouched. I fear in only a short while it will become just another tourist region, and all…

  • Literature Festivals and Havelis: Jaipur


    I finally made it to the Jaipur Literature Festival this year. It is apparently the largest free outdoor Lit Fest in the world, and certainly the largest one in India. I wasn’t sure what to expect, some people told me that it was an elitist event that wasn’t really for the average person. So was…

  • Bagan: A Temple Junkie’s Paradise

    Bagan: A Temple Junkie’s Paradise


    Bagan in Myanmar would have to be one of the most incredible places I have ever visited in the world. I don’t think I can actually do it justice in words or photos either. The ancient city of Bagan originally had about 4,000 pagodas and temples dotted around its countryside. While not all of these…

  • Petra Jordan

    Petra Jordan


    Whilst the ancient city of Petra is not one of the original 7 wonders of the world, it was included in the illustrious list  of the New 7Wonders of the World and for good reason. This ancient city is one of the most spectacular places I have ever seen. My time in Jordan was only…

  • Exploring Sicily : Italy

    Exploring Sicily : Italy


    What is there not to love about Italy? From the delicious food, beautiful ancient architecture and fabulous style. All the cities in Italy have a different take on each of these, which makes travelling across the country such a treat for all the senses. Over the years, I have visited many parts of this fabulous…

  • Things to Do In Germany

    Things to Do In Germany


    Whilst I have visited Germany briefly, this is one country that is still remains on my bucket list, as there is so many places in Germany that I am yet to see. My only trip to Germany was a very brief one just after university. I was backpacking across Europe on this rather restrictive bus…

  • Eating Out in Melbourne

    Eating Out in Melbourne


    I am still hungry after talking about eating in Paris last week, so I thought I would keep with the theme this week. I have just spent 7 weeks in Melbourne (with a couple of days in Sydney), enjoying family, friends and the food!  It feels like I ate for the entire 7 weeks (so…

  • The Most Beautiful Place on Earth: The Galapagos Islands

    The Most Beautiful Place on Earth: The Galapagos Islands


    It is a big statement to make, but for me the most beautiful place I have ever been is the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador. Nowhere else in the world has ever come close. It isn’t just a beautiful place to see though, the Galapagos Islands are also one of the most relaxing places to travel…

  • How to Blend in With The Locals: The Czech Republic

    How to Blend in With The Locals: The Czech Republic


    Blending in with the locals is something that I strive to achieve when I travel, but I think I generally do a pretty bad job of it.  So why do I want to blend in? Well, I can only speak for myself, but I like to think that I experience somewhere differently if I don’t…

  • Cambodia: Spending Time in The Beauty of Angkor

    Cambodia: Spending Time in The Beauty of Angkor


    Siem Reap in Cambodia is one my top 5 travel destinations in the world.  For anyone who has been there or seen images of Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom and the surrounding region I am sure it is not hard to understand why. The historic sites of Cambodia are simply stunning. I am a temple junkie,…

  • Tiffins Galore: My Visit to Spice Box Tiffin Service


    As part of my day spent with the dabbawalas, I visited Spice Box who cook, pack and send off over 500 tiffin meals a day to hungry office workers all over Bombay.  They use the dabbawalas to make the deliveries, and therefore have to have all their tiffins packed and ready to go before 10am in…