Tag: Backpack

  • Bangla Affair : Kolkata

    Bangla Affair : Kolkata


    I can’t believe it took me so long to visit Kolkata. Even though I’ve passed through the city on my way to Odisha, for some reason I’d never stepped out of the airport until now. By chance I managed to pick up a cheap flight about 6 months ago and forgot about it, so it…

  • India Travel Advice Part 2

    India Travel Advice Part 2


    Following on from my last post providing India travel advice for women, I thought it would be worthwhile to provide a few more tips that I’ve found handy while travelling across India. These ones are relevant regardless of gender: Eating in India One of the most common questions I am asked about India is about…

  • Peace, Love & Mung Beans: Should You Believe that Travel Blog About India

    Peace, Love & Mung Beans: Should You Believe that Travel Blog About India


    I’m pretty sure this post isn’t going to win me some friends in the travel blogging space, but something happened yesterday that just infuriated me so much I felt the need to write about it. I put a photo on my personal (private) FB page and one of my “friends” (although not now as I’ve…

  • Japan : Handy Hints and Travel Tips

    Japan : Handy Hints and Travel Tips


    Visiting Japan had always been a dream of mine. I had imagined beautiful temples, sleek design and extraordinary food. I certainly wasn’t disappointed with what I found in Japan, but there were quite a few things that I didn’t expect. Here’s some of the things that surprised, some observations and some tips that others may…

  • Nagomi Visit : Eating Local in Tokyo

    Nagomi Visit : Eating Local in Tokyo


    It’s no secret that I love food. I particularly like trying out local delicacies when I travel, which isn’t always easy when you’re in a new city only for a few days. Eating local in Tokyo was particularly challenging because of my language constraints. Aside from hello and goodbye, I didn’t know any Japanese and…

  • The Ancient Capital of Japan : Kyoto

    The Ancient Capital of Japan : Kyoto


    Kyoto is the ancient capital of Japan. With picturesque temples, old cobble-stoned streets and the occasional kimono-clad Geisha wandering down the street, it’s a postcard view of Japan. The temples are certainly a highlight of the city, along with the haunting bamboo grove in Arashiyama and the peaceful public parks. They need no words, the…

  • Bright Lights Big City : Tokyo

    Bright Lights Big City : Tokyo


    I had always imagined Tokyo as a huge city of towering buildings and flashing neon signs. Something like this: But now that I’ve seen Tokyo I would describe it as green, peaceful and almost European. I spent a few days just wandering through different parts of the city, and was just amazed at how calm,…

  • The Toilets of Japan

    The Toilets of Japan


    I know, I know, toilet humour really is the lowest common denominator. But this post isn’t about toilet humour I promise, but rather it’s about toilet etiquette in Japan. You see the Japanese are incredibly clean people, and their obsession with ensuring everything is pristine starts with themselves and in particular their toilets. From my…

  • A Step Back in Time: Yangon

    A Step Back in Time: Yangon


    Yangon is the capital of Myanmar. Whilst it is a bustling city, it kind of looks and feels a bit like it is 40 years behind the times. It’s hard to put a finger on it exactly. Perhaps it’s the concrete buildings, the lack of internet and phone access or just the way everything is…

  • The Clayton’s Asia: Laos


    Laos to me is Asia without really being Asia. It doesn’t have the high-tech feel of places like Singapore or Hong Kong, and isn’t an explosion of sights, taste and sound like Thailand or even Vietnam. To me it’s the Clayton’s Asia, or the Asia you have when you don’t have Asia (quoting a very…

  • Paradise Found: Inle Lake

    Paradise Found: Inle Lake


    Just the mention of Inle Lake makes anyone who has been there sigh as they drift off dreamily remembering this region of Burma. It really is a paradise. What makes Inle Lake so lovely is that it’s relatively untouched. I fear in only a short while it will become just another tourist region, and all…

  • The Road to Mandalay : Burma

    The Road to Mandalay : Burma


    I took the bus from Bagan to Mandalay, but rather than going on the brand new freeway, we took the scenic route through central Myanmar. While it may have cost me a couple of hours of my life, the journey gave me the time to really appreciate what it’s like to travel in Burma. We…

  • Myanmar Travel : What the Guidebook’s Don’t Tell You

    Myanmar Travel : What the Guidebook’s Don’t Tell You


    Before travelling to Burma, I dutifully read through my guidebook to ensure I was prepared and listened to my travel agent (I rarely use an agent to book my travel, but I was working so much before I left I didn’t have time to plan my trip so I used an agent to book hotels…

  • Bagan: A Temple Junkie’s Paradise

    Bagan: A Temple Junkie’s Paradise


    Bagan in Myanmar would have to be one of the most incredible places I have ever visited in the world. I don’t think I can actually do it justice in words or photos either. The ancient city of Bagan originally had about 4,000 pagodas and temples dotted around its countryside. While not all of these…

  • Farewell 2013

    Farewell 2013


    Another year comes to an end, so here is a quick post about my highlights of 2013 and what my plans are for next year. Highlight of 2013:  Visiting Australia and spending time with my family and friends. Saying goodbye to my 30’s was also a highlight, the decade has been a mixed bag of the…

  • I Have Been a Bad Bad Blogger

    I Have Been a Bad Bad Blogger


    I have been a bad bad blogger! Yes I am well aware, that it has been over a month since I last posted, and my goal of posting a new location a week has gone out the window recently. I can explain though. Quite simply I had to earn some money! I have a couple…

  • Petra Jordan

    Petra Jordan


    Whilst the ancient city of Petra is not one of the original 7 wonders of the world, it was included in the illustrious list  of the New 7Wonders of the World and for good reason. This ancient city is one of the most spectacular places I have ever seen. My time in Jordan was only…

  • Exploring Sicily : Italy

    Exploring Sicily : Italy


    What is there not to love about Italy? From the delicious food, beautiful ancient architecture and fabulous style. All the cities in Italy have a different take on each of these, which makes travelling across the country such a treat for all the senses. Over the years, I have visited many parts of this fabulous…

  • Hamams and Cheese in Hungary

    Hamams and Cheese in Hungary


    I spent a few days in the gorgeous city of Budapest many moons ago, when travelling to Eastern Europe was still considered to be a bit exotic. Like many who have visited Budapest,  I recall the beauty of the Danube and the magical atmosphere of the town.  But what I remember the most, are what…

  • My 5 Favourite Things to Do in Hong Kong

    My 5 Favourite Things to Do in Hong Kong


    I spent many months in Hong Kong several years ago when I was working with Foster’s. Sometimes I would go there for just one meeting, at other times I would stay for a month. Over the years I got to know Hong Kong well, and it is a city that I have always loved. It…