
Masks at Chichicastenango

I am a traveller, an adventurer and a lover of any place where I can experience something new. From writing about travel, to putting together itineraries for people and giving travel tips.

I have travelled to over 50 countries and have many more on my bucket list.

For any opportunity to cross a country off my bucket list, press visits, travel workshops, speaking engagements and interviews, please email me at

Countries I Have Visited                                                              

Australia – My home country
Austria – For the Sound of Music Tour
Belize I only passed through here, but it sparked my interest to return some day
Bolivia – Absolutely magical, particularly cycling down the World’s Most Dangerous Road and the Uyuni Salt Flats
Cambodia – Angkor, nothing else needs to be said
Canada – Visiting family and of course seeing Niagra Falls
Croatia – Christmas in Zagreb and the frozen Plitvice Lakes
Cuba – Sipping rum and strolling the colourful streets of Havana.
Denmark – The Little Mermaid didn’t disappoint
People’s Republic of China – I spent a bit of time here for work and actually have expertise in training people on Chinese culture.
Czech Republic – New Years Eve many moons ago and the Charles Bridge
Ecuador – Home to my favourite place in the world, the Galapagos Islands, a place everyone must visit
Egypt – The only country I have ever been to that I have sworn never to return to
Fiji – Chasing fishes in crystal clear water in my childhood
France – I have been to Paris so many times, just for the oysters, brie and wine
French Polynesia – Another childhood place, visited as part of a school excursion
Germany – I have only seen a little of Germany many years ago, Berlin is still on the bucket list.
Gibraltar – Such a strange place, but I loved the monkeys that had travelled over from Africa
Guatemala For Tikal and Antigua, I now have dreams of returning there to study Spanish
Hong Kong – I love this city, I lived here for a few months when I worked for Foster’s
Hungary – Vivid memories of fried blocks of cheese and a naked hamam
Iceland – A place that is home to Bjork, hump back whales and incredible glaciers
India – My second home and a place permanently etched on my heart.
Indonesia – Like any Australian, I have been to Bali
Israel – Visiting my sister, I just loved the old city of Jerusalem, it is so magical
Italy – Sicily, Firenze, Verona, Assisi and Gelati, what is not to love?
Japan – Temples, great design, crazy toilets and one of the greatest cuisines on earth, what’s not to love?
Jordan – Another on my top 5 list, Petra is just incredible
Kenya – My mother’s birthplace, I have been here several times but it feels like a gilded cage
Laos – A little too quiet for my liking, but an interesting Asian country nonetheless
Luxembourg – A fleeting moment as I backpacked through in my youth
Malaysia – Jungle trekking in Borneo, orangutans and those bizarre looking proboscis monkeys.
Mexico – Mayan ruins and chocolate, what more could you want?
Monaco – I felt like a jet-setter at least for a couple of days
Myanmar (Burma) – Such an incredible place, see it before the hordes start coming
Nepal – Spectacular scenery as I trekked through the Everest region
Netherlands – A tourist visit many years ago, it may be time to return and see it again I think
New Zealand – Another place every Australian ends up at some time
Oman – I travelled here for work, but loved the wadis
Peru – Trekked the Inca Trail and will always be in awe of the sight of Machu Picchu at dawn
Portugal – A beautiful country with a rather odd church made of skulls in the middle
Qatar – Just a brief stop-over unfortunately
Singapore – My favourite place to shop in Asia, and the world’s most organised country I think.
Spain – *Sigh*. Tapas, Red Wine, Dali and very good looking men.
Sri Lanka – Such a beautiful country and lovely people.
Switzerland Stunning surrounded by the mountain tops
Tanzania For the Serengeti and Zanzibar
Thailand – A favourite for the craziness that is Bangkok and massages on the beach
Turkey – Simply the best of East and West, and of course Turkish Delight
Uganda – My father’s birth place and just a beautiful, lush country and those amazing gorillas.
United Arab Emirates – Another place I lived in for work for a while, a bit like a fishbowl, but it has no doubt changed a lot now
United Kingdom – I visit here often because I have a lot of family there and it is a bit like a second home
United States of America – I loved the West Coast, and of course New York
Vanuatu – I visited here on a school trip, trying to practise my French
Vatican City – A magnificent place and of course the Sistine Chapel
Vietnam – Another place I visited for work, but unfortunately have not spent enough time in yet
West Bank – Fascinating and heartbreaking to see.  I hope the Palestinian Territories are saved

Countries on My Bucket List

Afghanistan – Who wouldn’t be interested?
Antarctica – The last frontier
Argentina – Even though I don’t eat beef
The Bahamas – Because I love a good beach
Bahrain – A friend has recently been here and it has sparked my interest
Bangladesh – I am interested to see how it compares to India
Barbados – Another beach and a great song by the Models
Belarus – There is so much of Eastern Europe I am yet to explore
Belgium – My brother-in-law is from here, so I guess I should visit some day
Bermuda Just to see if the triangle really exists
Bhutan – Fast becoming “The Place” to visit, I want to see it before it is ruined by tourism
Brazil Rio and the Amazon
Colombia – Drug lords and a little bit of adventure
Costa Rica – Exploring Central America is high on my list
Finland – I have heard nothing but amazing things about this country
Greece – For its history, beaches and good souvlaki
Greenland – For fjords and whales
Iran – I think it would be fascinating to see behind the veil, and Persepolis is one of my favourite movies
Iraq – Perhaps not yet, I might wait until it becomes a little bit safer
Ireland – I have never kissed the Blarney Stone but perhaps it is time
Jamaica – Because it is Jamaica man
North Korea – It would be fascinating to see what goes on here
South Korea – A part of Asia I know little about so it must be explored
Lebanon – I love the Middle East, so this is definitely on the list
Maldives – The beaches here receive rave reviews
Malta – So close to Italy it must be good
Morocco – Everyone I know seems to have been there but me
Norway – Scandinavia feels like a European frontier I know so little about
Pakistan – After seeing India, this is a natural progression, but I am not sure how easy it will be for me to get in
Panama – For the hats of course
Paraguay – Because I love South America
Philippines – With over over 7,000 islands there has to be a beach or two here
Poland For its history and the arts
Puerto Rico – Another island that will be part of my Caribbean tour
Russia – A place I have always dreamt of seeing for Tzars and vodka
Serbia and Montenegro – One of my favourite drinks is a Montenegro so it must be seen
Slovenia I have heard nothing but great things about Slovenia
Sweden – No doubt, this will be part of a Scandinavian tour
Timor-Leste – So close to Australia, this little place has been through so much
Tunisia – A part of Africa that I would like to explore
Uruguay – One of the many parts of South America on the list
Venezuela – I have heard very mixed reviews about Venezuela so I think I should see it and decided for myself
Zimbabwe – One of the few parts of Africa I want to explore for Victoria Falls of course